About Me
Sheridan Anderson, MA, LPCC
Therapist & Mediator
I do this work because I understand.
I believe that therapy meets the unique needs of different people, and offering a space to talk about your thoughts and feelings can make a difference.
I was skeptical at first about therapy, however, therapy has taught me that there are other ways to manage my emotions that don’t include blowing up at people around me or crawling back into bed and crying.
I became a therapist because good therapy changed my life.
I am a parent, a stepparent, a wife, and an ex-wife. I have been through a high-conflict divorce and have experienced the negative impact on my functioning as a human being and parent. My former husband and I tried mediation, a parenting consultant and spent many hours and many dollars on lawyers. It took years for us to realize what we needed was counseling to make us better co-parents – involved in our children’s lives whether we were together or apart. I am tremendously proud of the relationship I have with my former husband now. And, I am grateful for the support and willingness my new husband has shown. Remarriage and blending families is no picnic. Believe me, we often remind each other that it might not be easy, but that it will be worth it.
I am also a daughter who discovered her misattributed parentage after taking a 23andMe test. Misattributed parentage (MPE) or Non-Paternity Event (NPE) is when you discover that the person you believed was your biological parent is not. With the rise in commercial DNA testing, this is becoming more common.
It’s normal to feel nervous to call someone you don’t know to tell them all your problems. Trust me, I’ve been there.
But what do you have to lose? Let me help you uncover your own solution that is right for you; a solution that produces upward “sliding door moments,” those moments that can make (or break) the most important relationships in our lives. Contact me today to learn more.
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